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Items Found   7
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COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, S. Twenty-Four Melodies Transcribed for the Piano. Op. 59. With a Preface by Booker T. Washington.

FITZGERALD, EDWARD. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse...

ISHAM, NORMAN M. In Praise of Antiquaries.

MOSHER PRESS. Collection of Fifty Titles from the Press of Thomas Bird Mosher, Portland, Maine.

SCOTT, WINFIELD TOWN The Sword on the Table[.] Thomas Dorr's Rebellion.

UPDIKE, DANIEL BERKE Some Aspects of Printing Old and New.

WELLS COLLEGE GIRLS. Woman's Year Book. Containing for each day a quotation about woman. Also ample space herein she may write her own thoughts and deeds. The whole collected and arranged by two Wells College Girls. And done into print by The Cromelithe Press at Toledo, Ohio.

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